From the root to every symptom.

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Scientific Studies & Links

Our prescribed medications are killing us in large numbers.

Our prescribed medications are the third leading cause of death after heart diseases and cancer in the United States and Europe.

Scientific link between external toxins and disease

Toxic environmental chemicals (persistent organic pollutants, toxic metals, solvents and endocrine disruptors) induce various physiological mechanisms that lead to autoimmunity.

Natural Solution recovering toxins & EMF: Grounding

Products to be able to remove damage-free Toxins from our body and recover from EMF (harmonize unstable atoms or free radicals, inhibit aging process, optimally restore immune system) Grounding sheets, Grounding mats, 6% discount via this link

Scientific Link Between Physical Inflammation/ Blockage & Cancer

Inflammation is a crucial part of tumor progression. Many cancers develop at sites of infection, chronic irritation and inflammation.

Bentonite clay (food grade) to remove heavy metals

Bentonite clay for oral use to also remove heavy metals from the body.

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