Step-by-step how my body measures 16 years younger, lean, healthy and muscular 365 days/ year


Controversial insights + Scientific studies
we don't learn through school, Google, media, or TV.

+ My personal Lifelong support via Chat!

How I measure and experience my maximum natural physical potential with minimal input,
without nutrition/supplements (from the fitness, nutrition, or pharmaceutical industry).


From the root to the surface.

Physical Flow

The 4 essential roots of physical blockage, inflammation, disease symptoms, naturally addressed towards flow.
How to oil the mind and body like a clockwork.
Scientific studies included
Optimal primal strength & natural immunity.
Optimal energy, performance & endurance.
CO2-neutral nutrition as the most optimal building blocks.
Maximizing muscle strength & primal strength with minimal input.
Muscle synthesis or maximum muscle building with minimal input.
Lose all excess dangerous visceral fats (around the organs)even without exercising.
Lose all excess fats without exercising. 
Addressing the cause of heart & vascular diseases naturally.
How to naturally restore development, focus, and clarity (Exactly how I completely resolved my brain fog)
How to naturally counteract brain injury, degeneration (Alzheimer's, Autism, Depression, ...)

Scientific Studies

Addressing the cause of autoimmune diseases naturally. (Exact steps on how I completely reversed my autoimmune skin disease)
Natural therapeutic method against cancer, brain injury, autism & metabolic diseases
How cell rejuvenation enables wrinkle removal
Anti-aging & Recovery: Applying epigenetics naturally
What I do as an example for my children as a nearly 50-year-old
Including detailed nutritional advice
Being able to be fully focused for you and my family
my lifelong personal support via chat
all high medical costs, reduced and/or shortened quality of life that you can potentially save by applying natural, measured, and scientifically supported insights

Breakdown of all the steps in my Get Natural Masterclass.

Step 1:
Remove physical blockages or inflammation
, allowing the body to flow or function smoothly at its core (Via Profound Detox, Chronic Stress Relief,..).
Step 2:
Losing fats, especially dangerous visceral 
fats around the organs (abdominal cavity). Visceral fat is associated with chronic inflammation, which in turn is linked to health issues, type 2 diabetes, degenerative diseases, cardiovascular problems, cancer, and more.
Detailed nutritional advice included.
Step 3:
Build muscles effortlessly
with 4 x 15 minutes per week training using free weights or own body weight at home,
with optimal natural nutrition as building blocks.
(Detailed nutritional advice: from the most obstructive or inflammation-inducing foods to the most flowing or optimal ones.)
-My steps for disease remission (autoimmune skin issues, joint pain, brain fog, etc.)
-My brain optimization stepsMy measurable rejuvenation steps:
My HRV (Heart Rate Variability) measurement: 204 ms (linked to health, fitness, and youthfulness), which is double the average value for a 20-year-old (100 ms), even around my 50s.
-My natural steps to balance all hormones, including the happiness hormones like dopamine, serotonin, oxytocin 
-How I optimize my measurable sleep score in practice (average 85%),
-Links to scientific studies included
-Personal support via chat (Telegram or WhatsApp) for any questions along the way
-My exact workout blueprint
-My exact nutrition plans

You can go through the videos in a weekend and start implementing the profound steps into practice immediately.

My Fat Loss, Muscle & Brain Optimization Blueprint
+ my Disease Prevention - my Remission - my Measurable Rejuvenation
WITHOUT supplements, cravings, or hunger,
from the root to every symptom.

Get Natural Master Class - Tom Nuyens

If the plan does not work after application, and I am unable to assist you with the question, you can simply send an email, and your refund will be processed.

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ALLE stappen die ik zelf exact doe inclusief

Get Natural Master Class

Inclusief Mijn Levenslange Ondersteuning via Chat

121 Euro (éénmalig)

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extra 24€ coupon code korting
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Copyright © All Rights Reserved., Wommelgemsesteenweg 37, 2531 Vremde, Belgium
BE0836593425, tel  +32 475 39 68 41, klantendienst,
Gebruiksvoorwaarden & Privacybeleid 


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Give yourself access today

to the practical step-by-step plan on how my body measures more than 16 years younger (HRV & metabolic scale), stay lean (10% body fat), muscular and healthy whole year around, with minimal effort on my part.

And if you cannot be assisted with questions (via chat or email), or if the program does not deliver as promised after application and following the steps, you have a 30-day money-back guarantee.
