Could it be that all tools to gain more power over me, are using my loving super power against me, under the pretence that it is good for my health and the health of my loved ones (unnatural experimental bio alternating agent alien to the body, admitted was not even being tasted for transmission, still forced upon us to install a live stock QR-id), safety (asocial distancing, pretended under the form of 'social distancing), forced to disconnect from healing human love and hugging connection, compromising our innate immune system and human identity (weakening, identity covering masks), depriving myself from my essential immune strengthening vitamin d (by forcing to stay inside, without broadcasting essential vit d supplementation), environment (making us belief that we have to fight the essential life component itself, essential to make plants grow and therefor must give up our autonomy of farming, so they can control our food and survival), comfort (coming up with QR identity or digital currency or faster technology, to give authority the ability to cancel me if I do not let them have unnatural power or control over me).