Video game addiction: how to overcome it FOREVER:
Overcoming video game addiction – the root cause revealed, so we can heal the root forever, instead of endlessly fighting the symptoms.
Only when we know the real cause, we can heal the root and therefor automatically liberate ourselves from every other ADDICTION-symptom too, like not being able to stop GAMING, cravings, moodiness, bad temper, loneliness, relational problems etc.
You don’t have to feel ashamed for the fact that you are addicted to something. Because without any exception, most people are first addicted to something or someone, before the real root of the problem arises. The only difference might be that some people are better in hiding their addictions behind a mask than others. Until their mask cracks obviously.
Only if we know what the real root of the problem is, we will know how we can STOP OUR GAME ADDICTION completely and for once and for all.
AN ADDICTION comes down to FEAR, fear for feeling what we would feel, without any distraction from gaming.
To end the root of the problem together with all it’s symptoms for once and for all, and therefor to shine the light onto our ‘dark’ addictions or fears, I came up with a drawing to show you.
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