You’re almost done- Please Activate your subscription!

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You’ve just been sent an email (from:
that contains a blue confirm link.

In order to activate your subscription, check your email and click on the link in that email.
You will not receive your subscription until you click that blue link to activate it.

If you don’t see my email in your inbox or junk/trash folder shortly, fill out the form again to have another copy of it sent to you.
(use your personal@-address, info@-addresses do NOT work)

If you see my email in your junk/trash folder, make sure you right click on it and mark it as ‘not junk’ and then click the confirmation button to be able to receive the videos.

If you still don’t receive my videos, it means your email address has some kind of bounce issue. You can resolve this by sending an email to with the following message:
“Dear Aweber, Please unblock my email address “” so that I can subscriber to AWeber mailing lists. ”
Once they have unblocked your email address, let me know @ that you did, so I can send you the videos.

Enjoy your liberation process!




