Let nature itself RESET your Body & Brain health!
Morning Detox/ Cleanse/ Optimisation
Goal: detox from heavy metals (brain & body) & from bad gut bacteria
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”undefined” align=”left”]What & How:
Raw – Unfiltered – Apple Cider Vinegar (with the ‘Mother’)
Mix one to two tablespoons (15–30 ml) with a glass of water and drink with a straw (to protect your teeth).
-It lowers inflammatory insulin spikes of the food you will consume
-It maximises nutrition absorption: it lower gastric pH: it restores our stomach acidity to absorb maximum nutrients (anti-aging)(stomach acidity diminishes when we get older)
-can stimulate secretion of pancreatic enzymes,
-can inhibit pathogens,
-acts as an energy source during GI-tract intermediary metabolism,
-improves mineral utilization by chelation process,
-enhances apparent total tract digestibility and improves growth performance.
15 minutes before eating
Apple Cider Vinegar lowers inflammatory insulin spikes
“organic acids can stimulate secretion of pancreatic enzymes, lower gastric pH, inhibit pathogens, acts as an energy source during GI-tract intermediary metabolism, improves mineral utilization by chelation process, enhances apparent total tract digestibility and improves growth performance.”[/text_block][/op_liveeditor_element]
[op_liveeditor_element data-style=””][text_block style=”style_1.png” align=”left”]What & How:
1 tbsp Bentonite Clay mixed with 1 glass of water
Use plastic or Glass (NO metal tbsp!) to mix, because bentonite clay binds to metals
It removes heavy metals/ harmful chemicals and impurities from our body (environmental toxins).
- mercury
- lead
- cadmium
- arsenic
Simply put, clay has an electro negative charge, whilst impurities and toxins are electro positive. (removal from metals from food (Eating a lot of fish — especially larger species — is linked to higher levels of mercury in the body.), air or water pollution, as well as medicine, food containers with improper coating, industrial exposure, or lead-based paint.)
It removes harmful bacteria from our body
Tips: Clay Face Mask:
Take about 1 (plastic or glass) teaspoon of the bentonite clay powder and about 1 teaspoon of water or apple cider vinegar and put it in or (plastic or glass) bowl or cup. Mix the the two ingredients well, until it forms a paste consistency.
Apply the bentonite clay mask to your face.
Leave the mask on for about 20 minutes. Rinse off the mask, using just water.
Put some good oil to remoisturize the skin after the mask (e.g. almond oil)
First thing Each morning on empty stomach
1 hour before or after eating (because it draws things out of our body)
2 hours before or after medication (because it draws things out of our body)
the medicinal use of clay minerals as antibacterial agents
Bentonite Clay as a Natural Remedy: A Brief Review
Fish Consumption and heavy metal (mercury) toxins